2022 Cancer Ingress US – A Year of Big Changes Part 2

In Part of the US’s 2022 year ahead forecast we looked at the Aries Ingress Chart. Because the ascendant was in Gemini and mutable, to get the full picture of the US’s future one needs to cast ingress charts for every time the sun goes into a Cardinal sign this year. This year’s Cancer Ingress for the US occurs on June 21, 2022 at 5:14 AM over Washington D.C.

This places the Sun in the first house. The house of the people. If the Aries Ingress was about the Presidency, then the Cancer Ingress would focus on the American people. There is still a lot of action in the chart from Congress in particular, but the Sun is the focus of the chart and is in the 1st House.

The Sun makes two aspects here, a square to Moon and to Jupiter located in Aries in the 11th House. This would indicated Congress causing major stress on the population someway as a result of foreign affairs since Jupiter is ruler of the 7th House. This may be met with some public approval, but at the same time at least half the country won’t be on board with the plan. Mars is in the 11th House ruling the 11th House, therefore it looks like Congress hold all the cards and likely will dismiss the notion what they do is unpopular.

It is difficult say to 3 months out what this will mean. One explanation is a recent proposal t offset high gas prices in the US by offering Americans an energy rebate (applied on taxes) of $100 per month for individuals. While this may sound like a good idea, it is just Congress trying to fight inflation, by causing more inflation and is likely to make the problem worst long term. Something like that would definitely fit the bill of having some popular support, but being the exact wrong solution to a problem that would stress out the population.

The rest of the chart is a bit harder understand what is going on. While the Presidency, is still in a strong position, except plan to see less of Biden during this time since Saturn is retrograde. It doesn’t matter because the real power is with the the 8th House Pluto in Capricorn, the Deep State anyway. The major aspect is a partile trine to the Venus in the 12th House in Taurus. It is hard to say how it plays out here, but could indicate a lot of behind the scenes activity for the political establishment in the US as they make adjustments to the situation.

This brings us back to the 1st House as well since the Ascendant rule Mercury is in the 12th House. This suggest the people of the US are making there own behind the scene moves too. Maybe this is indicated that they plan to stay home more and travel less because of higher gas prices.

The 12th House Mercury could also indicate the need from some alone time away from the daily grind too.

So the summer months are a transition period where things may still seem like the US government’s control, but there are many behind the seen changes occurring. Not just with the government, but also the people are changes. This is the transition period where people make up their mind on their next course of action. All while taking a bit easy due to the summer.