2020 Aries Full Moon – Fear of the Changing Values

On October 1, 2020 at 5:05 PM EDT the Full Moon in Aries arrives. In the Washington D.C. chart this Full Moon is in the 1st House within 5 degrees of the 2nd House cusp. There are only two planetary aspects this Full Moon makes. A strong semi-sextile to Uranus in the 2nd House and a weak quincunx to Mercury in the 8th House.

The other aspect the Full Moon makes is a trine to the Midheaven. This last aspect means that the people of the US will likely get some type of support from the President or executive branch. What would this look like? Well, there is an idea out there that a second round of stimulus checks could happen soon by a Trump executive order.

Ready for more Trump bucks?

However, there is some doubt that Trump could do this without Congressional approval. Congress is unlikely to pass a new stimulus plan despite the need. Looking at the 11th House in the chart it is clear that they will not act on stimulus anytime soon. Saturn and Pluto are conjunct there restricting their ability to act.

Not to mention with the upcoming election, this move by Trump would be a massive ‘October Surprise‘ in his favor. It is hard to see Biden and the Democrats not crying foul over such a move. But, with the Uranus semi-sextile to the Moon in the 2nd House such a scenario may be very likely in the next few weeks.

The political divide this Fall runs deep through the country.

Finally, the quincunx to Mercury in the 8th House could have few different meanings. For one it could be the start of the Fall coronavirus pandemic wave. Already New York City is seeing an increase in cases and thinking about another quarantine lockdown.

But another interpretation is the Mercury is just the public’s mind and the worry they have about the changes that are occurring. Whether it is because of the coronavirus pandemic, or the raw power plays done in politics these days; many Americans will can’t help but wonder if the ending an era is at hand.

While that may be apparent to many, this Full Moon will not indicate a major shift in the country or the people. Expect increasing awareness of what is going on though.